About Us

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Olivier Mythodrama was founded by Richard Olivier (son of actor Laurence Olivier) after a hugely successful production of Shakespeare’s play ‘Henry V’, the original tale of leadership wisdom.

Inspired by these learnings and their applicability, Richard developed a new form of leadership development – Mythodrama – using a classic story of leadership, combined with Jungian archetypal psychology, performance technique and organisational theory. This unique form of executive education takes leaders on a developmental journey exploring all types of leadership challenges in a way which is practical, relevant, long-lasting and profound.

Set up on the dawn of the new millennium, we have lived through a time of transformation like no other. Transforming not only ourselves into an international consultancy delivering leadership development and executive education in over 40 countries across 5 continents. But more importantly, delivering leaders which transform our clients spanning all sectors, with household names such as Mercedes-Benz, Coca-Cola, HSBC, Johnson & Johnson, Unilever, Cisco, FedEx and McDonald’s.

With unity and collaboration as our guiding principles, we also work with the Harvard Business School, Oxford University, The United Nations, Columbia Business School, and the World Economic Forum in Davos. Holding ourselves up to the same development goals that we have for our clients, you can rely on our expertise to build the type of resilient and deep leadership capacity that is so essential to lead teams through the demands of our disruptive age.

Our story in brief


Richard directs Henry V at the re-opening of Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, London and unearths the relevance of story as part of leadership development, and how Shakespeare’s plays are important to today’s study of leadership.


Richard takes Henry V as a leadership intervention to Cranfield School of Management and Saïd Business School. Mythodrama practice was born, using storytelling and drama as a means to demonstrate the essence of modern leadership.


Olivier Mythodrama Associates was founded in London, as a leadership development consultancy providing world-class training.


Macbeth programme pioneered at the World Economic Forum, Davos. Olivier Mythodrama would feature again in 2009, introducing the importance of sustainable leadership by discussing Shakespeare’s ‘As You Like It’.


Richard awarded ‘Thought Leader 2013’ by Best Practice Institute, award winning leadership development think tank and research institute.


Olivier Mythodrama continues to evolve in developing its work with archetypes allowing a more personal diagnosis and enhancing personal and professional development.

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